Posts on topic: Aromatherapy


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Smells Like Happiness

While depression and anxiety are nothing new, most of us can recognize the growing profile and prevalence of this psychological phenomenon in our modern world. As our lives become faster in a world increasingly demanding and, for some, seemingly threatening, depression and anxiety is something many of us will experience, to some extent (whether personally, or through someone we know), at some stage of our lives. Whether we face a stressful period of our life, find ourselves unable to manage the general build up of stress (whether from balancing work, family or relationships), or must confront a more severe and enduring emotional battle, most of us can relate to a moment in time when, regardless of the facade we may create for others, we find ourselves unable to cope, or simply no longer enjoying our day to day lives. Life isn' meant to be easy. But for many of us, it isn' meant to be so hard, either.

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What Is Aromatherapy?

Special guest, Michael Livingstone, joins us for a fascinating beginner's guide to the wonderful world of aromatherapy

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