Hand Washing Gel Recipe

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Hand Washing Gel Recipe



  • This hand-washing gel is disinfectant, cleansing, and beneficial to the skin.


  • 280 gram boiled water
  • 112 gram witch hazel solution
  • 112 gram glycerine soap or vegetable soap
  • 2-3 tbsp. Pectin
  • 2 tbsp. Honey
  • 2 gram borax(optional)
  • 10 drops lavender
  • 10 drops Roman chamomile
  • Yield: about 420 gram


  • Heat water and witch hazel, sprinkle in the borax and stir
  • Add the soap and allow to melt.
  • Heat about 2-3 cups of water separately beforehand, sprinkle pectin slowly into it
  • Stir until it has completely dissolved.
  • Add the pectin to the soap solution, stir and let cool.
  • When the mixture has reached skin temperature, add the honey and essential oils and stir again.
  • For convenience, fill it into a bottle with a pump top.
  • After a few hours, the mixture will have jelled and is ready for use.
  • If the gel has become too thick, it can be diluted with water.
  • If it has become too thin, dissolve a little more pectin in warm water and add it, using as much pectin as is necessary to make the gel thicker.
  • For particularly brittle, chapped hands and injured skin, use myrrh instead of lavender.