Can you describe your cultivation and harvesting process? Do you use any pesticides?
Tea Tree growing and oil production is a relatively easy farming process. The trees regrow
over a year, reaching a maximum of 6ft -- they look more like a bush than a tree at this stage,
perfect for harvesting; this assures that there's less trunk and more leaf where the oil
We work closely with the country's leading tea tree agronomist as we are both committed to
sustainable and eco-friendly practices. We are always on the lookout to minimise any need
for pesticides, allowing nature to resolve itself. We encourage, for instance, ladybug
populations to overtake "pest" insects like pyrgo and psyllid larvae. We let our family-owned
horses and cows roam and rummage through the tea trees – which they have no appetite
for – to eat “bad” grasses and weeds, leaving behind natural fertilisers.
When nature can't resolve the issue, we adhere rigorously to ATTIA's code of practice,
permits and schedule for pesticide use. Although we are not an organic farm, we aim for our
natural essential oil to be as close to organic as possible.
The trees are cut back to a stump during harvest and mulched into large containers. The
containers full of freshly harvested tea trees are immediately transported to the distillery,
where they are steam distilled with the resulting oil collected and stored. A sample is then
taken and analysed to produce a certificate of authenticity. The oil is now ready to be sold
and dispatched straight from the distillery.